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Video Rental Shop at Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria Forum :: News

Peter on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
Video Rental Shop at Gran Canaria Hi Folks!

Some of you may already know, that the DVD Rental Shop in San Fernando (known as DVDThek) has got a new owner. So the store is running again on a regular base and everyone is able to rent the newest movies again!

We also have a new website, where you will find all our movies and DVDs online which are available for renting. While the list is still not complete you will find the newest DVDs already. We are still populating the list :-)

Just have a look: www.dvdthek-grancanaria.com (currently german only, sorry, english is coming soon)

We speak german, english and spain and while we do have mainly movies with german track, there is nearly everytime also the english track available, so just come over and have a look :-)

I would be pleased to see you

Greetings from Gran Canaria / San Fernando

Peter (DVDThek Gran Canaria)
Peter on 2014/03/03 at 13:00
If you are lazy and don't want to look at our website, these are our latest movies available:

Mirror, Mirror (Julia Roberts)
Men in Black 3 (Will Smith)
Lockout (Guy Pearce)
Snow White & The Huntsman (Kristen Steward)
Iron Sky
21 Jump Street
The Avengers
Machine Gun Preacher (Gerard Butler)


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