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ITV and documents in car Since I can every year anew disengagement:
Is kept (whether real or not) an entire folder with various documents and copies - at the ITV one must now also submit a portfolio of documents - as if I had nothing better to do than to sacrifice my time for me to document all possible pretty to care, just so I can pay my money WHICH.
For example, if you have a car at the dealer buys, then ITV-date insurance is usually the closing date. The insurance sold so pretty much from when I use the box for ITV must - ergo: no bank statement, because the yes comes only a few days / weeks later. Toll.
Sometimes quite seriously, if I were to run a business SO, then I need not wonder if I go broke. The whole bureaucratic apparatus rather reminiscent of a turtle with crutches, is surprised that she has no chance in a sprint against the allies (and it then moves to the crisis).
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